Friday, September 11, 2009

Jaeboom's 2PM Scandal

Guys! Kayaknya aku kali ini bakalan post panjang bgd. Soalny sudah brp hari pengen post ini tapi ga ingat mulu.

Here :

First, kalian sudah dengar kan kalo Jaeboom itu keluar dri 2PM. Kaget kan? Pasti! Secara aku jg hottest. Jadi aku kaget pas dgr beritany bahkan ampe mw nangis pas bc beritanya T_T Rasany ga rela bgd. Soalny aku baru nnton Wild Bunnt trus bc berita ttg Jaeboom. Aku lgsg berhenti nnton,rasanya cm mw mengingatkanku pada Jaeboom oppa. Soalnya, dy member favo aku jg d 2PM.
Gini loh masalahnya, Jaeboom oppa itu pernah nulis d myspace-nya pada tahun 2005 dan 2007.

Yup! Si Jay bilang klo org2 Korea itu GAY! Trus dy juga bilang "I hate Koreans" dan "I wanna back to America". Trus,ngina-ngina gitu deh ttg Korea. Terus d perparah lagi dgn message dari temannya :

Tapi Jay udh minta maaf scr resmi :


Hello everyone this is 2PM’s Park Jaebum. I would like to apologize on behalf of the comments I had made through Myspace a few years ago. I’m sorry.

As I tell all of you about how I felt that time, I also would like to apologize. In January of 2005, I came to Korea as a high school student. I was born in the States and I had insufficient knowledge of how Korea is. Being it my first time, I couldn’t communicate with others, my taste buds didn’t fit, and I barely knew the culture which I couldn’t understand.

I felt as though I was treated coldly by the people around me as my family was left in the States. It was such a difficult situation where I didn’t even know if I was going to debut. Due to many hardships, things were getting too hard and I was getting lonely being homesick. I had the thoughts of quitting and I wanted to go back to my family in the States. The comment based on the Korea part: I wrote that because of my personal situation I was placed in and my emotions took over. I was too young and said things in the wrong words. I was too foolish, young, and facing difficulties where I made the mistake into turning my surroundings worse. Time passed by and I forgot that I had even written them. I am now embarrassed and truly sorry of those comments I had made. After that time, I had adjusted to everything and my thoughts have changed tremendously as I thank the people around me to get me to perform on stage in any situation. Those comments were made four years ago, but I am a different person now. To my family, Hottests, members of 2PM, and those who love 2PM, I am truly sorry. From now on, I hope that there will be no mistakes like this ever again. I will say it one more time that I am truly sorry.

-2PM’s Jaebum-

Dan ini pernyataan maaf dri JYP Entertaiment :


This is JYPE.

First off, we know that many fans may have felt betrayed or disappointed by the comments made from 2PM Jaebum’s Myspace which we truly apologize for.

As the topic dispersed today (September 5th) in the morning, all members of 2PM with Jaebum had a long talk. Of course, we discussed many things of their trainee days, but today we spoke more truthfully and we were able to distinguish that Jaebum did not have the heart of hating Koreans but rather feel resent towards his situation he was placed in along with the circumstances in which he expressed himself in a senseless manner.

For the betrayal and disappointment you may all feel towards the artist, we cannot change anything for that matter. However, Jaebum from how he portrayed himself when he was younger, he reflected upon his mistakes and vowed to never repeat that mistake ever again. We ask that you give him another chance.

Of fans and everyone else, we ask that you’d still look forward to Jaebum as he pushes aside his foolish days thrives as a successful, improved singer.

As models and guidances, we apologize for not working on our behalf to lead the many young trainees in our company. We will build ourselves into a more practical, stronger system that will not disappoint many of you as we work with our trainees to when they become celebrities. We will work our bones and persevere.

Once again, we bow our heads in apology.

JYPE Staff

Duh,kasian ya Jay...
Mending kita dukung dy aja yuk! Lewat sini nih



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